Thursday, December 29, 2005

Lodon Heathrow

British Airways ROCKS! A 9 1/2 hour flight from LA to London, but it was relatively painless. The seats were comfortable, the cabin was neither too hot nor too cold, and the food was, hands down, the best airline food I've ever had! They even had a surprisingly good movie selection on the individual monitors. I'm thinking about writing a letter to their business office and offering to do a television commercial for them (kicking off my long-awaited acting career).

It's 4:45 in the afternoon in London, but 3:45 in the morning in my body. Soon the two time zones will have to meet. My flight to Madrid has been slightly delayed, but I should arrive at my hotel before midnight tonight. I'm staying just down the street from La Puerta del Sol, the plaza where Spaniards come to celebrate New Year's Eve. A happy coincidence.

It's 28 degrees Farenheit in London right now. One hopes that temperatures rise as one moves further south.
