Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Seville, Spain

I arrived safely in Seville on Sunday afternoon. I spent much of Monday exploring the city´s Cathedral. I don´t have much to say about it, except that it´s HUGE (one of the largest in the world, or so they say). They also say that Cristopher Columbus´ tomb is inside the Cathedral. However, much like Buffalo Bill Cody, Christopher Columbus´ remains are not in Christopher Columbus´ tomb. (Some of you may be shocked to learn that Buffalo Bill Cody is not buried in Christopher Columbus´ tomb, but life isn´t always what we want it to be. I think he´s buried in Cody, Wyoming, or Lookout Mountain, Colorado, I can´t remember, and it is difficult to really know.) Anyhow, I also climbed the Cathedral´s bell-tower, much as the Hunchback of Notre Dame might have done, had he been travelling with me. The bell-tower used to be the minaret for the Mosque that once stood where the Cathedral now stands.

Last night I went out for drink and tapas with Julia, a friend of Lee (Siegel) and Elizabeth. She brought along a friend (Patrícia?), and I got the two of them talking about international politics. Their talk soon became a full-fledged argument, which I enjoyed tremendously.

I spent much of today in the Alcázar Palace. I have visited many Muslim palaces in my travels (in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Turkey), but none of them compared to the Muslim section of the Alcázar (see photo). Truly spectacular! And the gardens surrounding the palace were incredibly serene, filled with orange and lemon trees, their limbs bowed with ripe fruit.

This evening I met with Ignacio Martinez, the Academic Director of the Institute for International Studies here in Seville. I talked to him about setting up a Study Abroad program for KCC students. We had a nice visit, and we´re meeting again tomorrow for lunch.

Right now, I am completely exhausted and going to bed.

(Photo by Eric: Alcazar Palace, Seville, Spain)